5 Steps To Forgiveness

Forgiveness is tricky because the mind can "think" it is in control, by hanging on to a hurtful situation, but in reality that experience, person or situation has the upper hand and is controlling your thoughts; consciously or unconsciously, it is like background noise that is always there, until its not!

Forgiveness is not about agreeing with the actions of the other person or event, but rather freeing yourself and stepping into a peaceful mind and heart!

Anger can show up in all sorts of sneaky ways!

It’s important to get to the root of what caused it and clear it out.

FORGIVENESS WORK is incredibly healing. Its important to remember that forgiveness IS NOT justifying a “wrong” act or thing that was done to you, yet it is FREEING YOURSELF of the injustice. Letting the energetic ties to the thing that made you angry is incredibly freeing and healing for your body, mind and spirit.

Think of it like this: You have a straw and you are trying to drink from this straw, yet there is a piece of wadded up paper in the middle of the straw so every time you try to take a drink it does not reach your mouth because of this wadded up paper stuck right there.

That is like ANGER…. You are wanting and willing to move forward but every time you try there is something there that is stuck. The FLOW of life may be difficult when it really shouldn’t be…

Your birthright is grace and ease and love… free flowing… so let’s clear up some of this OLD GUNK and get you on the road to a beautiful new STRAW that is easy to drink from!!!

Join me for a 6 week course and learn to FINALLY be FREE:

-Reclaim parts of yourself who have been lost or buried underneath hard emotions

- Be All that you are meant to be, despite this situation

- Feel light, less bogged down ( in my personal experience, I actually lost weight)

-Clear headed, able to KNOW exactly what you are meant to be doing, and actually have the inspiration to take action

-Heal generational trauma

This 6 Week Course Includes:

  • Small Group Size

  • 6 Weeks of Unlimited Email Access to Me

  • Coursework In Between Meetings

  • Private Facebook Group

  • Free Copy of My Book “Love Your Body, Love your Life”

DATES: March 26 - April 30th

TIME: Saturday 1-3pm PST

LOCATION: Zoom (live)


*Financial Assistance: Please don't let money keep us apart. We understand that people’s finances might be under unique strain at the moment. If you want to attend but genuinely cannot participate because of the price, please reach out at jennalobos@gmail.com. We have some partial scholarships and want to help make this happen for you.